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Standard Three: Planning



Meeting Standard Three:

The student teacher’s lesson plans are carefully written and detailed, noting content and skills objectives, describing activities, and noting special learning and diversity needs where appropriate. Lessons exhibit clearly focused, sensible connections from one to the next, and are designed to promote construction of knowledge by students. The student teacher takes time to explain lesson objectives to students and, using a variety of strategies, checks that students are clear about what they are doing and why they are doing it.


Meeting and Exceeding Standard Three: Self-Reflection

    Planning is definitely one of my favorite parts about teaching. I very much enjoy the feeling I get after executing a thoughtful and effective lesson plan. A common theme in this portfolio is “Two Way Accountability” and I believe my lessons very much align with this idea. I plan so that students will be able to achieve learning in the time I have with them. I plan backwards so that students start with an Entrance Ticket that pushes their mind to think about the topic of the day, struggle with the concept/reading/material, and then finally experience a moment where they “get it” in the end. Planning well means taking into account my students’ strengths and their weaknesses, teaching the material in more than one way, and coming back to the material if, after assessments, the students do not know the information. “Two Way Accountability” helps me as a teacher because my students know what they are expected to do, and in return, they expect that I do a good and fair job. I am constantly giving my students surveys about how a lesson goes—their feedback is very important for me as a self-reflective teacher.



K/W and Sequencing Chart Graphic Organizers (See Below)

Stature Worksheet 3/10 (See Below)



To view a sample lesson plan that includes the "Stature Worksheet" (see below,) please click here:


This lesson plan demonstrates my ability to write and conduct a well rounded lesson. It also shows my ability to effectively use graphic organizers to help students' reading and writing.



To view my unit plan for the 12th Grade on Oedipus The King, please click here:

Siemer.12 Grade. Unit.doc



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User-uploaded Content

Students used Graphic Organizers to keep track of characters and events in The Great Gatsby.  

  • The K/W charts were especially useful when students began writing from the perspectives of a chosen character.  
  • The Sequencing Charts helped students keep track of events in a given chapter.  
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Students used this "Stature" Graphic Organizer to help them practice close reading of the text (they pulled quotations) and to understand the character, Oedipus, at the start of the play.  Students later used this organizer to write a paragraphs about the kinds of stature Oedipus had.  

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