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The final papers for the Japanese-Internment research assessment were varied and across the board, demonstrating both the knowledge and skill growth that my students had experienced, as well as levels of effort that were placed into the final project. The students that exceeded the standards were those who elaborated in a complex and engaging way, thus using their own analysis to strengthen their argument, rather than just inserting additional quotes they had found in another source. Those that met the standard, or the 3 essay, included all of the requirements and demonstrated a thorough understanding of why we were doing the project as well as a strong level of knowledge in the topic that they were assigned. Students who were developing in the standards, or did not meet it at all, were those that either missed out on requirements or put in little to no effort. With the project being a comprehensive result of weeks of work, it was evident which students had taken the time to put in that necessary work and effort leading up to the culminating piece, and those who found themselves playing catch up when the actual assignment was due. Overall, the students in my classroom did a tremendous job on these papers and argued strong cases that showed both historical empathy and and understanding of the ideals and skills needed for strong research.


To view the grading rubric for the Japanese Internment final assessment, please select the following link: FinalPaperRubric.pdf


To see an example of a Final Assessment that exceeded the standards (4), please select the following link: Research Paper 4.pdf


To see an example of a Final Assessment that met the standards (3), please select the following link: ResearchPaper3.pdf


To see an example of a Final Assessment that developing to the standards (2), please select the following link: ResearchPaper2.pdf


To see an example of a Final Assessment that did not meet the standards (1), thus requiring revision, please select the following link: ResearchPaper1.pdf

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