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Our summative BSHS assessment will involve a choice by students between one of  three separate assignments each drawing on the strengths of individual interests and skill types. Although the projects will vary greatly between the tasks we will be asking students to complete, the assessment of the core goals and skills will remain static throughout to limit any advantages to one over another as far as work load. We attempted to predict the interests and skill sets of different students when designing the assessments. One project will involve a writing prompt, the second will be a project based more on creating an artistic representation, the last will  be a performative project.


Visual Representation: Students are commissioned by a local museum to express their opinion on the American Dream through a creative and visual representation including references from the class' content as well as their own background and experiences . Students will be expected to include a curatorial statement explaining their piece and perspective.


Performance Prompt: Students will write and perform (depending on time constraints) a speech about the American Dream. Specifically, they will be writing a hypothetical college graduation speech on a.) why and how to improve American society or b.) how opportunities for advancement are available for future generations. Any response must incorporate specific historical examples.

Writing Prompt: Students will respond to an article on the American Dream in a “letter to the editor” format. They will agree or disagree with the author’s conclusions and use supporting evidence from the class to articulate their point.

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.