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Please select the following links to view the rubric for the final essay to help students prepare to write on the following prompts:


  • The ideal American Dream was created in the 1950s. Agree or disagree using three important examples.
  • Describe the creation of the modern American Dream in the 1950s using three main examples.

The rubric was created to assist both our assessment of students, as well as to provide clearer directions to our expectations. Scaffolding the assignment for all of our students proved difficult, but with a basic rubric, we hoped to apply it to every essay. The rubric is something that we created before the assignment and we hoped would not overwhelm our students, as the essay was purely for assessment and not a grade. From the practice of presenting it to our students, our struggling learners did become apprehensive after seeing the rubric, so in the future, I would informally assess my students' writing to prepare for the type of essays I may receive, before presenting and introducing a rubric. 


Essay rubric.docx


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.