DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Standard One: Roles and Relationships


A. Relationship with students
In what way does the student teacher:

  1. exhibit a consciousness of classroom dynamics and climate? (RIPTS #6.1)
  2. create a safe and secure learning environment for students? (RIPTS #6.2)
  3. interact professionally, equitably, and fairly with students? (RIPTS #11.4)
  4. encourage learners to become independent, responsible citizens in the classroom who demonstrate self-discipline while carrying out assigned tasks? Does the student teacher reinforce, remind, and redirect student behaviors as necessary? (RIPTS #6.4)
  5. discern and address stereotypical references to gender, race, class, age, culture, disability or sexual orientation? (RIPTS #6.2)
  6. facilitate student involvement in the school and wider communities? (RIPTS #1.4)
  7. develop relationships with students and their families to support learning (RIPTS #7.2)

B. Expectations of students
In what ways does the student teacher:

  1. establish and maintain an orderly and cooperative classroom? (RIPTS #6.1)
  2. enforce, fairly and consistently, classroom rules and deadlines? (RIPTS #6.1)
  3. demand high expectations for all students? Are students expected to take responsibility for their own learning? (RIPTS #6.6)
  4. create an active learning environment characterized by mutual respect and intellectual risk-taking? (RIPTS #6.4)
  5. organize resources, materials, and the physical space allocated to support active engagement? (RIPTS #6.3)

C. Relationships with colleagues and the school community
In what ways does the student teacher:

  1. fulfill classroom and school responsibilities in the best interests of students and in a manner that is fair and equitable? (RIPTS #11.1, 11.4)
  2. work with fellow teachers? (RIPTS #7.1)
  3. interact professionally, fairly and equitably with colleagues, parents and others? (RIPTS #7) 
  4. work collaboratively with agencies in the larger community (when necessary and appropriate)? (RIPTS #7.3)
  5. follow school policy and procedures, respecting the boundaries of his/her professional responsibilities when working with students, colleagues, and families? (RIPTS #11.2)
  6. make use of codes of professional conduct adopted by his/her professional organizations? (RIPTS #11.5)
  7. understand local, state, and federal laws and regulations related to students’ rights and teacher responsibilities? (RIPTS #11.3)
  8. maintain standards that require them to act in the best interests and needs of students? (RIPTS #11.1)

Teachers create learning experiences using a broad base of general knowledge that reflects an understanding of the nature of the world in which we live. (RIPTS #1)


Teachers create a learning environment that encourages appropriate standards of behavior, positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. (RIPTS #6)

Teachers foster collaborative relationships with colleagues and families to support students’ learning. (RIPTS #7)

Teachers maintain professional standards guided by legal and ethical principles. (RIPTS #11)


Meeting Standard One:

The teacher candidate can establish and maintain routines and a classroom atmosphere that students understand and respect which organizes them for instruction. Carrying out of classroom activities reflects careful thought, takes into account differences in students’ cultural background, home language, developmental levels and learning styles. S/he clearly demonstrates leadership in the classroom, guiding and directing activities and interaction in ways that contribute to a positive and safe learning environment. The teacher candidate is adept at creating situations in which students construct knowledge – the student is worker and teacher is coach. The teacher candidate exhibits respect and consideration toward colleagues, supports colleagues’ work and contributes an equal share to team efforts. The teacher candidate encourages and initiates interaction with families and community members and makes him/herself available to those constituencies when and where appropriate.


The standard is met if the student teacher consistently models appropriate decorum, relates personally to all students and their families and establishes a safe, orderly and democratically-based classroom in which high expectations for student engagement and learning are consistently demonstrated.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.