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Our Formative Assessment was named "Show Me Watchu Got." We named it this, because we wanted students to feel challenged and welcomed to show us in their own way what they have learned thus far. Before we could even more onto the summative assessment, we needed to see if students were able to answer the first essential question for the unit, so we gave it to them in two questions so they could answer it completely. While presenting the formative, we projected the directions, read the directions out loud, went over the questions together and modeled what possible answers to these questions could look like based on other class material. Having the directions repeated in this matter helped clarify any possible questions. The worksheet where the directions were given, gave space for students to draft their responses to the questions before officially writing the answers and/or drawing their answers.


One of our students decided to answer the questions through the form of a drawing and a poem. Even though we did not give a specific rubric for a drawing or a written response, students showed their ability to answer the questions creatively. This student in particular was able to effectively pair his drawing with a written explanation that answered the two questions asked. While that is true, some students might have benefited from a rubric and clear expectations, so from this assignment we were able to see how much specificity we would need in creating a rubric for the summative assessment. It also helped us see what opportunities we could provide for students to respond to the summative.

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