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Standard Two: Student as Learner


Teachers create instructional opportunities that reflect an understanding of how children learn and develop.  (RIPTS #3)


Teachers create instructional opportunities that reflect a respect for the diversity of learners and an understanding of how students differ in their approaches to learning. (RIPTS #4)


Teachers create instructional opportunities to encourage students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.  (RIPTS #5)


In what ways does the student teacher:

  1. seek information about the learner’s background and culture?  (RIPTS 4.2)

  2. seek information about the learner’s life experiences, achievements and interests?  (RIPTS #4.2)

  3. seek information about and observe the learner’s strengths and weaknesses, developmental levels and learning styles?  (RIPTS #4.3)

  4. seek information about and observe the learner’s patterns of language use?  (RIPTS #4.2)

  5. seek information about and observe learner’s interests and talents?  (RIPTS #4.2)

  6. seek information about and observe learner’s organizational skills?  (RIPTS #4.2)

  7. use efficient and effective ways to document student characteristics and progress of individual and class performance?  (RIPTS #9.3)

  8. listen carefully and respectfully to students?

  9. check in with students about inferences and assumptions s/he makes about them?

  10. develop an understanding and awareness of students as individuals without overgeneralizing or stereotyping?  (RIPTS #4.1, 4.2)

  11. help individual learners develop conceptual understanding?  (RIPTS #2.4, 2.5)

  12. challenge individual learners to develop higher level cognitive skills?  (RIPTS #5.1)


Meeting Standard Two at the End of SummerPrep:

The teacher candidate demonstrates an awareness of, and concern for, the individual learners in his/her classroom. S/he begins to understand the variables of linguistic, cultural, racial and class backgrounds, student strengths and talents, and developmental stages and how they create a diverse group of learners. S/he discovers a range of student understandings and begins to use this knowledge to further individual student learning. S/he holds appropriately high expectations for all learners and begins to understand what helps them accomplish the SummerPrep curriculum by focusing on students’ developing thinking skills, and conceptual understanding in a variety of areas.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.