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All MAT candidates at Brown University are guided by seven practice-based standards. The standards are developed by the Faculty in the Education Department in collaboration with members of the greater Providence educational community.  In the process of self-assessment, MAT/UTEP students respond to the standards as they relate to first, their  teaching experiences in Brown Summer High School and secondly in their experiences during their student teaching semester.  All seven standards also serve as the guiding principles for the education department at Brown, as well as for summer mentor teachers, mentor teachers during student teaching and anyone who participates in the supervision and assessment of MAT/UTEP Candidates.


The Practice-based Standards serve to:


  • Foster dialogue and conversation about teaching and learning
  • Engage mentors in a dialogue with student teachers
  • Provide student teachers with an opportunity to reflect on their practice
  • Offer continuity in assessment over time

These standards are intended as guidelines for discussion, reflections, and written reports by summer mentors, mentor teachers, program faculty, and student teachers.  Observed work and products from the students of the student teachers should provide a strong source of evidence as to the degree of attainment of the standards, and should be seen as important data to observe and collect during every teaching experience.


(Brown Teacher Education Handbook, Secondary Education, 2015-2016)

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