DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Standard One: Roles and Relationships


A. Relationship with students
In what way does the student teacher:

  1. exhibit a consciousness of classroom dynamics and climate? (RIPTS #6.1)
  2. create a safe and secure learning environment for students? (RIPTS #6.2)
  3. interact professionally, equitably, and fairly with students? (RIPTS #11.4)
  4. encourage learners to become independent, responsible citizens in the classroom who demonstrate self-discipline while carrying out assigned tasks? Does the student teacher reinforce, remind, and redirect student behaviors as necessary? (RIPTS #6.4)
  5. discern and address stereotypical references to gender, race, class, age, culture, disability or sexual orientation? (RIPTS #6.2)
  6. facilitate student involvement in the school and wider communities? (RIPTS #1.4)
  7. develop relationships with students and their families to support learning (RIPTS #7.2)

B. Expectations of students
In what ways does the student teacher:

  1. establish and maintain an orderly and cooperative classroom? (RIPTS #6.1)
  2. enforce, fairly and consistently, classroom rules and deadlines? (RIPTS #6.1)
  3. demand high expectations for all students? Are students expected to take responsibility for their own learning? (RIPTS #6.6)
  4. create an active learning environment characterized by mutual respect and intellectual risk-taking? (RIPTS #6.4)
  5. organize resources, materials, and the physical space allocated to support active engagement? (RIPTS #6.3)

C. Relationships with colleagues and the school community
In what ways does the student teacher:

  1. fulfill classroom and school responsibilities in the best interests of students and in a manner that is fair and equitable? (RIPTS #11.1, 11.4)
  2. work with fellow teachers? (RIPTS #7.1)
  3. interact professionally, fairly and equitably with colleagues, parents and others? (RIPTS #7) 
  4. work collaboratively with agencies in the larger community (when necessary and appropriate)? (RIPTS #7.3)
  5. follow school policy and procedures, respecting the boundaries of his/her professional responsibilities when working with students, colleagues, and families? (RIPTS #11.2)
  6. make use of codes of professional conduct adopted by his/her professional organizations? (RIPTS #11.5)
  7. understand local, state, and federal laws and regulations related to students’ rights and teacher responsibilities? (RIPTS #11.3)
  8. maintain standards that require them to act in the best interests and needs of students? (RIPTS #11.1)

Teachers create learning experiences using a broad base of general knowledge that reflects an understanding of the nature of the world in which we live. (RIPTS #1)


Teachers create a learning environment that encourages appropriate standards of behavior, positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. (RIPTS #6)

Teachers foster collaborative relationships with colleagues and families to support students’ learning. (RIPTS #7)

Teachers maintain professional standards guided by legal and ethical principles. (RIPTS #11)

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.